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Mom of three and lifestyle family photographer on a mission to help other busy photographers increase their income and balance their life.

Hi there, I'm Kelly Warkentin


Then I realized something needed to change. I jumped into IPS and saw my income increase 5x. Then I adjusted to Virtual IPS and averaged $2500 per client, from my living room.

I started where you are. I made too little income, was constantly seeking new clients and was struggling to balance the life I wanted with the one I had made.

I'm passionate about helping others

It happened when my daughter, 6 at the time, called me crying at bedtime as I drove to a clients house for an in-home reveal. She sniffed back tears and asked me to tell her a story since I couldn't be there to snuggle her again
This was my breaking point. I needed to figure out a way to make the income I did through IPS, without the time commitment with driving to and from my clients, who often lived 45 minutes or more away from me.
So I decided to start serving my clients virtually for everything but the session. I expected to see sales fall, but instead they increased.
Suddenly I could be home to kiss my kids goodnight, then sneak off and host a sales session from my bedroom.
No more long hours in the car, missing those tender times with my kids, or trying to get my clients to find time in the middle of their days to view their images with me. It was a win-win, and with my no-sneaky sales policy, clients were thrilled with the service I offered them.

I had happy clients who raved over the experience I offered and invested over $2000 per session, without sacrificing what was most important to me.
You can have the business you love and the life you dream of

How I Like To Relax

coffee and a good book

Favorite Drink


Favorite Season


Favourite Vacation

New Zealand

Current Favourite Hobby

Aerial Silks

Favorite TV Show

The Office

6 Random Facts


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